Sensitivity, Reproducibility and Applications of BIS
Accumulation of target analyte from a large sample volume is an valuable feature of SE and BIS techniques performed in pFI mode (3.1.2.). Accumulation is achieved by repetitive loading of sample on the microcolumn (A). Enhancement of sensitivity obtained by preconcentration is defined as the ratio of enhanced absorbance, divided by absorbance defined by the molar extinction coefficient (1.3.10.). Thus for Fe(II) ferrozine complex the value of molar extinction coefficient at 560nm corresponds to slope of calibration line of 0.0005 AU/ppB Fe (3.2.2.).
Repetitive loading of Fe(II)ferrozine complex performed by assay protocol shown on the previous page and by using the same reagents as in pFI-SE assay (1.3.14.B.) resulted in enhancement of sensitivity 32x, 53x and 70x, as the sample volume was increased from 1000 to 3000mcrL (A). Using the same sample volumes pFI-SE yielded enhancements of 214x, 518x and 770x (1.3.14.A.), in average 10x higher enhancement compared to BIS.
Reproducibility of BIS method was investigated by analyzing series of Fe(II)ferrozine solutions in the range 0 to 10 ppB, using the same conditions as in the previous experiment, albeit with one loading of 1500mcrL of sample (B). The resulting calibration graph (C) was obtained by setting baseline subtraction (BS) at 35 seconds, and data collection window (WIN) at 300 to 320 seconds.